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Version: 0.0.2

Debugging & Profiling

Compared to interpreted execution engines, compiling engines come with many advantages but also some challenges. Especially debugging and profiling can become a challenge, as one not only needs to debug and profile the engine code, but also the generated code. Possible solutions to these problems have been discussed before for debugging Hyper and Umbra and profiling Umbra.

Guide: Profiling queries

For profiling queries LingoDB comes with a ct tool that collects several metrics. For the following instructions, we assume that LingoDB was built in Release mode with debugging informations (build/lingodb-relwithdebinfo/.buildstamp ).

  1. Run the script with query and dataset: python3 tools/ct/ resources/sql/tpch/1.sql resources/data/tpch-1/. If the build directory is not build/lingodb-relwithdebinfo, it can be supplied with the BIN_DIR environment variable
  2. Open the resulting ct.json file with the CT viewer and explore it in detail

Guide: Debugging

  • If the compilation fails: Use Snapshotting to identify the broken/problematic pass. Then run the pass isolated with mlir-db-opt for detailed debugging (e.g., with gdb).
  • If compilation succeeds but execution fails in/because generated code: First check if the error persists when switching to the C++-Backend if possible (i.e., all MLIR operations are supported)

Components for Debugging and Profiling

Location Tracking in MLIR

In MLIR, every operation is associated with a Location, that must be provided during operation creation. While it is possible to provide a Unknown Location, it should be avoided. When parsing a MLIR file, MLIR automatically annotates the parsed operations with the corresponding file locations. When new operations are created during a pass they are usually annotated with the location of the current operation that is transformed or lowered. All passes in LingoDB ensure that correct locations are set afterwards.


MLIR already comes with a LocationSnapshotPass that takes an operation (e.g. a MLIR Module) and writes it to disk, including the annotated locations. Then, this file is now read back in, now annotating the locations according to the location inside this newly written file.

If enabled (cf Settings ), LingoDB performs multiple location snapshots on after every or selected (important) MLIR passes.

Using this snapshot files, we can track the origin of any operation, by recursively following the following steps

  1. get the origin location of the current operation by looking in the appropriate snapshot file
  2. find the origin operation by going to this location

Special Compiler Backends

In addition to location tracking and snapshotting, LingoDB implements two special compiler backends for debugging.

LLVM-Debug Backend

Instead of using the standard LLVM backend, another LLVM-based backend can be used that adds debug information and performs no optimizations. This backend is selected by setting the environment variable LINGODB_EXECUTION_MODE=DEBUGGING. During the execution, standard debuggers like gdb will then point to the corresponding operation in the last snapshot that was performed This enables basic tracking of problematic operations, but advanced debugging will remain difficult.


For more advanced debugging, a C++-Backend can be used by setting LINGODB_EXECUTION_MODE=C. This backend directly translates a fixed set of low-level generic MLIR operations to C++ statements and functions that are written to a file called mlir-c-module.cpp. Next, LingoDB automatically invokes clang++ (must be installed!) with -O0 and -g to compile this C++ file into a shared library with debug informations. This shared library is then loaded with dlopen and the main function is called. Thus, the generated code can be debugged as any usual C++ program. To help with tracking an error to higher-level MLIR operations, each C++ statement is preceeded with a comment containing the original operation and it's location.

Lightweight Tracing

When compiled as RelWithDebInfo, LingoDB will produce a trace file with events (type, start timestamp, duration, thread) as trace.json. This trace file can then be opened with the CT Viewer